AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Confederate flags have a historical association with slavery and have been used by hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to symbolize racial oppression and exclusivity; and

WHEREAS, Confederate flags flying over state capitols and/or other government buildings and state flags that include elements of Confederate flag designs and used in any official occasion or proceeding send messages of disenfranchisement and inequality to African Americans and to all other people concerned with the defense of liberty and justice for all; and

WHEREAS, Confederate flags and other flags that include one or more elements of Confederate flag design represent a heritage and traditions that are repugnant to all who try to uphold and advance the democratic ideals of human fraternity, equality and freedom, for all races, nationalities and ethnic groups:

RESOLVED, that the AFT, in national convention assembled, declare its determination to oppose the display of Confederate flags on public property; and

RESOLVED, further, that the AFT will not hold convention meetings in states or localities where Confederate flags are displayed on public property.
