AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, FGM, including but not limited to clitorectomy and infibulation, is a violation of human rights, as a harmful procedure performed on a female child who cannot give informed consent; and

WHEREAS, FGM represents a basic form of violence against women; and

WHEREAS, FGM has no medical benefit, denies full expression of women's sexuality, and causes immediate and long-term medical complications which could lead to death; and

WHEREAS, FGM is practiced in 40 countries worldwide with 80 million to 115 million women worldwide having already been mutilated and an additional 4 million to 5 million women being mutilated every year:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers join the effort to eradicate FGM including but not limited to clitorectomy and infibulation through advocacy, education, information dissemination and legislation; and lend support for in-country organizations that work with understanding of local customs; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage Congress to prohibit the practice of FGM in the United States and offer political asylum to women being persecuted because of their wish not to be mutilated; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers reaffirm the belief that women have the fundamental right to equality, dignity and integrity and to make independent choices in caring for themselves.
