AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, most localities and states are unable to make up the difference resulting from federal funding cutbacks; and

WHEREAS, the amount of federal dollars for special programs such as Title I have never been sufficient to meet the needs of students they were intended to reach; and

WHEREAS, the cut in federal dollars spent on education affects most dramatically already impoverished urban and rural areas; and

WHEREAS, while the United States holds the greatest wealth in the world, it ranks 16th in spending on public education:

RESOLVED, that the AFT call for a major increase in federal dollars spent on critical federal education programs such as Vocational Education, Title I, IDEA, renovating and building new public schools, in the next two years; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT actively lobby congressional representatives to accomplish this goal; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT keep the membership regularly informed of the activities and results of this resolution.
