AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the spotlight created by mandates of NCLB legislation and the increased economic competition created by massive globalization have highlighted the need for a quality education in all regions of our country; and


WHEREAS, the AFT has struggled hard to fight for fairness and equity in all its locals regardless of size or location; and


WHEREAS, the plight of rural schools, while long a concern of AFT and its state affiliates, has only recently come to the attention of national media and various congressional committees; and


WHEREAS, smaller locals often lack the political clout, union release time and technological and secretarial support services necessary to aggressively advocate for their students and members; and


WHEREAS, local conditions affecting smaller locals often require very unique and sophisticated short- and long-term political, economic and public relations strategies; and


WHEREAS, the AFT has nationally recognized and highly respected staff and resources in research, politics and public relations:


RESOLVED, that the AFT executive council consider the benefits of setting up a national standing committee to study, review and recommend issues and policies of particular concern to our smaller locals.



