AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT is a democratic union that thrives on open debate; and


WHEREAS, continuous and reliable communication is vital to promoting empathy and solidarity in a large national union composed of diverse locals; and


WHEREAS, AFT publications address issues of interest and importance to all members in an effort to keep all members informed and active; and


WHEREAS, AFT publications also offer examples of and solutions to the obstacles that face all AFT members who strive to provide a quality education for our children; and


WHEREAS, AFT publications are widely read by policymakers and political leaders who are in positions to influence government decisions affecting small locals; and


WHEREAS, small locals may have issues and obstacles unique to their size, geographic location and economic resources:


RESOLVED, that the renowned AFT newspaper, periodicals and publications consider expanding coverage of smaller locals, with special attention to the unique practice and policy challenges facing smaller locals and their accomplishments.

