AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, so-called fair trade laws enacted by various state legislatures have resulted in raising the cost of living to consumers; and

WHEREAS, such an increase in the cost of living results in hardship for annuitants and all other individuals living on relatively fixed incomes; and

WHEREAS, such laws have not benefited small businesses; and

WHEREAS, tremendous effort is being made to have the Congress of the United States enact such laws for the nation as a whole; and

WHEREAS, the American public may not be fully aware of the danger in such miscalled Quality Stabilization legislation:

RESOLVED, that the Convention of the American Federation of Teachers go on record against the enactment of such laws by the Congress of the United States or by approval of such laws by additional legislatures of the states of the United States; and

RESOLVED, that our organization, as far as possible, conduct an educational campaign to alert our fellow citizens to the danger of such legislation.
