AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, teachers' attitudes are formed in part during teacher training; and

WHEREAS, company unions have actively proselytized students in colleges and universities and have disparaged the American Federation of Teachers; and

WHEREAS, some personnel of teacher training institutions have not been receptive to suggestions that Federation representatives be invited to address student groups:

RESOLVED, that justice requires that the American Federation of Teachers be granted the same opportunities to inform students in teacher training institutions of its achievements, activities, goals and services as are accorded to other organizations; and

RESOLVED, that the President is instructed to work with his staff in developing cooperative relationships with officers and faculties of teacher training institutions and in developing a program for informing prospective teachers of the achievements, activities, goals and services of the American Federation of Teachers; and

RESOLVED, that state and local federations are requested to support and assist the President in this effort; and

RESOLVED, that state, area and local units be requested to make available one set of selected Federation publications to colleges and teacher training institutions.
