AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has chartered locals in Job Corps Centers and other programs under the jurisdiction of the Office of Economic Opportunity; and

WHEREAS, members of these locals and other teachers in the programs will be concerned more and more with various aspects of teacher welfare and with educational and professional standards in federally financed programs:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers recommend that the Office of Economic Opportunity set up requirements that government agencies and contractors participating in federally supported education programs have published salary schedules, adequate preservice training and standards for job placement, and teacher staff involvement in curriculum policy planning through elected representatives; and

RESOLVED, that standards be set up for job security within the federally financed programs and for protection of tenure and pension rights for teachers on leave from public school systems to these programs; and

RESOLVED, that locals in areas where these government programs are in effect organize these teachers in their local or in appropriate locals.
