AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the United States Office of Education in January 1967, indicated concern for the examination and selection procedures in recruiting apprentices; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has been committed continuously to the principle that every citizen, youth and adult, regardless of race, religion, economic status or place of residence is entitled to a complete and adequate education:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers recognize the urgency of this crucial problem and call upon the AFL-CIO, its affiliated state federations and locals as well as boards of education, businesses, agencies, industries, and government to participate in developing more effective means for increasing opportunities for qualified minority group members, including Afro-Americans in apprenticeship programs; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers call upon the U.S. Office of Education to continue and intensify its efforts at promotion of minority apprenticeship opportunities through enforcement of existing federal legislation and guidelines; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers call upon the government and the State Commission of Human Relations to urge municipalities and local commissions to use their good offices to encourage the promotion of apprenticeship opportunities for minority group members; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers prevail upon the U.S. Office of Education to urge local school systems to instruct school placement and guidance counselors to place high priority on the encouragement of minority group members to apply for apprenticeship programs through organized campaigns conducted by the Urban League and other such community agencies including the U.S. Employment Service and State Employment Services; and together with such agencies, to encourage the organization of train­ing programs, where needed, to prepare minority group members adequately for admission to ap­prenticeship programs; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers establish a committee to seek implementation of the provisions herein set forth, and that the American Federation of Teachers report to Presidents of all locals on the progress being made by this committee.  (Executive Council)
