AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has always been dedicated to the objective of building a society wherein people of all colors, races, and religious or political creeds could live together in harmony with equal and enhanced opportunity to share in a better life; and

WHEREAS, the integration of diverse groups within our country has not only not been achieved but, indeed, there has been intensification in segregation along racial and economic lines particularly in urban areas; and

WHEREAS, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders has warned that our nation is moving towards two societies "separate and unequal":

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers intensify its efforts in cooperation with the labor movement and other organizations that have similar objectives to remove all patterns of segregation in education, housing, job opportunities and public and private institutions; and

RESOLVED, that we favor all effective means of aiding minority groups in overcoming their handicaps that have come about through long years of in­justice, oppression and neglect.
