AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the preparation of teachers is fundamental in order to provide quality education for all children; and

WHEREAS, education in urban areas needs teachers with special abilities and training; and

WHEREAS, the selection and training of such teachers has been left exclusively in the hands of the colleges and universities; and

WHEREAS, the teacher union movement must assume its share of this responsibility:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge its locals to initiate dialogue on the subject of teacher education and teacher training with the colleges and universities that provide student teaching in their own school districts; and

RESOLVED, that contract negotiations at the local level include safeguards and direction so that universities and colleges will provide proper training for student teachers; and

RESOLVED, that sponsoring teachers assigned by the district to give such training be chosen for their ability to relate well and work effectively with children and teachers in training; and

RESOLVED, that contract negotiations include a reasonable remuneration and time for the sponsoring teacher to work with the student teacher.  (Executive Council)
