AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, shale oil may be one of the resources on which the United States is dependent in the future; and

WHEREAS, it is essential that this natural resource should be utilized for the benefit of the American peo­ple; and

WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the Department of the Interior prior to 1969 that such resources should not be exploited by private interests, to the detriment of the American people; and

WHEREAS, there has been pressure by private interests to gain control of federally-owned oil-shale land; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers thinks that this tremendous natural resource should be used to meet the economic and social needs of our people:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports the retention of control by the national government over all federally owned oil-shale lands; and

RESOLVED, that all income derived from the development of such lands, whether by lease, rental, bonus or royalty agreement, be placed in the federal treasury, under a special account; and

RESOLVED, that money in this special account be used to further programs of social and economic benefit to our citizens; and

RESOLVED, that aid to education by the national government be included among these to implement this total program.
