AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT is already on record in support of the work of the National Skill Standards Board that is charged with identifying the academic, occupational and employability skills required for employment in various workforce sectors including the Education and Training sector; and

WHEREAS, the Education and Training Voluntary Partnership, recognized by the National Skill Standards Board in October 1999, is a coalition of employer, employee and public interest organizations charged with the task of leading the efforts to develop a national system of voluntary skill standards for front-line workers who educate and train across the broad spectrum of students - from early childhood to adults. These workers include instructional paraprofessionals, child care workers and workforce trainers; and

WHEREAS, the AFT recognizes that the Education and Training Voluntary Partnership national system of skill standards can provide a basis for:



  • establishing professional development, training and certification programs for instructional paraprofessionals;



  • connecting the roles of child care workers to the education continuum; and



  • providing a means to ensure that the people who train workers in all fields have standards that enhance their service delivery; and

WHEREAS, the AFT recognizes the importance of the Education and Training Voluntary Partnership as one of many means of promoting the interests of our members:

RESOLVED, that the AFT support the work of the Education and Training Voluntary Partnership; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT encourage state and local affiliates to participate in the skill standards development process of the Education and Training Voluntary Partnership that involves participating in research activities to identify the components of skill standards for front-line educators and trainers—their key activities and critical work functions, performance indicators, and the requisite knowledge and skills; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT disseminate the results of the work of the Education and Training Voluntary Partnership to local and state affiliates.
