AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, major strides have been made to end the centuries-old conflict between Britain and Ireland; and

WHEREAS, "all party" talks to end this bitter dispute have commenced under the leadership of former U.S. Senator Mitchell; and

WHEREAS, President Clinton has played a major and creative role in fostering such talks; and

WHEREAS, Mr. John Hume has also been a major player in promoting this peace conference; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Hume has received the AFT human rights award for his work in Northern Ireland; and

WHEREAS, the progress made in the Middle East and South Africa offers examples of hope to all parties involved; and

WHEREAS, according to latest census data, approximately 40 million Americans have ancestral ties to Ireland:

RESOLVED, that AFT salute President Clinton for his tenacious efforts on behalf of peace in Ireland; and

RESOLVED, that AFT urge President Clinton and former Senator Mitchell to continue their efforts to promote peace in Ireland through an active U.S. diplomatic role; and

RESOLVED, that AFT ask President Clinton to press for a resolution provides a democratic framework that guarantees the religious, civil and human rights of all traditions.
