AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT is built on a foundation of strong, autonomous and credible local affiliates;

WHEREAS, the AFT elected leaders have a tremendous responsibility to live up to the trust given them by the members they serve;

WHEREAS, throughout our history, AFT locals and state federations have built a record of militant advocacy and action on behalf of the constituencies we serve  and high standards and professional conditions for the members we represent;

WHEREAS, the history of the AFT, our state federations and locals has been one of unassailable integrity in the operations of the union at every level;

WHEREAS, any breach of confidence and trust by an affiliate officer or officers tends to bring the entire AFT into disrepute and thereby undermines the credibility of the union and all its affiliates; and

WHEREAS, the AFT continually seeks to improve its operations, promote the highest uniform standards of integrity and accountability at every level, and prevent abuses and breaches of the member's trust:

RESOLVED, that the AFT executive council, pursuant to its authority and responsibilities under Article VI, Section10, of the AFT constitution, hereby adopts the following guidance for implementation of Article IX, Section 5, of the constitution:

  • Affiliates two months in arrears with respect to payment of per capita shall be sent a notice of arrears in writing, to the president and secretary-treasurer, along with a request for full payment.  Such notification also shall advise that continued failure to remedy per capita arrearage within 30 days shall precipitate direct communication within two weeks from the AFT to the affiliate's executive board and the state affiliate and that upon failure of the executive board to remedy the arrearage within 30 days thereafter, the AFT president shall communicate within three weeks directly with the members of the affiliate in bad standing informing them of the arrearage and how it affects their local and their rights and status as AFT members;

RESOLVED, that the AFT executive council, pursuant to its authority and responsibilities under Article VI, Section 10, of the AFT constitution, hereby adopts the following guidance for implementation of Article IX, Section 7, of the constitution:

  • Where an affiliate is in bad standing due to per capita arrearage, and/or where a required biennial audit or financial review has not been performed and made available to members and received by the AFT within six months of the close of an affiliate's fiscal year, the AFT president hereby is authorized under Article IX, Section 7, of the constitution, after notice to the affiliate's president and secretary treasurer, to employ an auditor for the purpose of examining the books and reporting the results to the membership and to the AFT executive council.  The membership of the affiliate as well as the AFT executive council shall be notified immediately of such action; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT shall upgrade its current, ongoing uniform financial and fiduciary training programs conducted through AFT state federations and regional offices for treasurers of its affiliates and expand this training to include those who serve on executive boards  and audit committees as well as trustees of its affiliates. [Executive Council]
