AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, advances in technology have led to revolutionary changes in the organization of the American workplace. These changes have also had a major impact on public employees and the services they provide. Through technology, we can bring government closer to the people, government services can be more accessible, and our citizens can be more involved in determining the direction of their government. These changes and improvements in the public sector have led to the development of the term digital government; and

WHEREAS, the rise of digital government offers great promise for improving the delivery of quality public services from government at all levels. Citizens can find quicker, easier access to vital services and they can petition more easily government leaders for changes and improvements. The services and information available from the federal, state and local government can often be accessed with the click of a button with the proper technology; and

WHEREAS, in many places, government employees are able to take advantage of new scheduling that allows for telework, flexible schedules and even flexible workplaces. Productivity can be enhanced and employees can learn new skills. Making proper use of this new technology also requires appropriate training and career development to improve the delivery of services over the longer term. Technology workers also may be attracted to salaries and benefits of different employers if government pay and benefits do not keep pace. Pay plans, health coverage and pension benefits for government employees must keep pace with employers in the private sector in order to keep and retain top-quality employees; and

WHEREAS, there is still a tremendous divide between those with regular access to working computers and advanced technology.  Clearly, the access to this technology is expanding dramatically in all sectors of our economy. Government must take advantage of these expanding opportunities to reach people and provide meaningful services and information. Government employees have the talent and skills to make this happen, but their experience needs to be matched with the appropriate commitment and resources from government administrators and politicians; and

WHEREAS, digital government may also pose some significant challenges to employees if proper precautions are not taken. Ergonomic standards must be established that protect the well-being of public employees whether they make frequent or infrequent use of this new technology. New technology and software may also allow for an unacceptable level of employee monitoring that would represent an invasion of personal privacy. Employees and their unions can act to negotiate safeguards on personal privacy and seek legislation that addresses potential abuse. Health and safety concerns must be addressed with the implementation of each new wave of technology; and

WHEREAS, technological advances can also provide new opportunities for the union to reach members and potential members since public employees have a very high level of access to computers. This access allows employees to interact with union representatives on a frequent basis and access more information about the union. The union can promptly alert employees to changes in working conditions, developing issues or proposals in the legislature. Through e-mail, listservs, Web pages and other electronic communications, members have unprecedented access to information about the union and their workplace. Mobilizing employees, building the union and taking action on issues of concern to the union can take place faster and more efficiently than ever before:

RESOLVED, that the AFT assist local unions in their efforts to monitor the impact of technology on employees and the workplace. Through this research we can hope to improve working conditions, enhance public services and protect the health and safety of our members; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT work to improve training opportunities and career development for government employees, allowing them to take greater advantage of new developments in technology. By improving training opportunities and enhancing the skills of employees, government can improve its technological capacity and improve services to the public; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue to work toward improved salaries, benefits and working conditions to help keep and retain experienced government professionals. There can be no more valuable resource in improving the institutions where our members work.
