AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there is a growing tendency on the part of school boards to include "merit rating" factors in determining a teacher's salary; and

WHEREAS, rating plans are, of necessity, based on subjective judgments into which personalities and pressures are certain to enter; and

WHEREAS, "merit rating" weakens teacher tenure, threatens academic freedom, and places the teacher in the impotent position of bargaining individually with administration; and

WHEREAS, "merit rating" plans create a false salary maximum which few teachers will ever attain; and

WHEREAS, "merit rating" has failed to measure and improve the quality of instruction in the classroom; and

WHEREAS, "merit rating" has greatly damaged the morale of teaching personnel; and

WHEREAS, "merit rating" adversely affects the professional relationship between teachers and administrators:

RESOLVED, that the AFT oppose the use of "merit rating" in all salary schedules; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support the principle of a single salary schedule based on training and experience; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT vigorously condemn all plans which base teachers' salaries on "merit rating."
