AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there is a national movement to extend the number of minutes in the school days and the number of days in the school year; and

WHEREAS, such extensions are frequently made in an arbitrary and unilateral fashion by school boards and/or school districts:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support the extension and expansion of those enrichment, remedial, and compensatory educational programs (in lieu of the regular curriculum) that are designed to upgrade the quality of education; and

RESOLVED, that there be no extension of the school day and/or lengthening of the school year in any school district without the prior consent of a majority of teachers in that district; and

RESOLVED, that where the parties agree to any such extension the participation of teachers shall be on a voluntary basis only; and

RESOLVED, that teachers who render time and/or service in an extended school day or lengthened school year shall be compensated at a pro-rata scale.
