AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, teachers generally are not afforded the protection and job security they need; and

WHEREAS, there is a significant record of cases in teacher employment to illustrate the need of job protection to forestall dismissal at the whim of a child's story, a parent complaint or an autocratic employer; and

WHEREAS, many teachers in this nation do not currently enjoy the security of teacher tenure; and

WHEREAS, such security is vital to a teacher's effectiveness in the classroom and to his academic freedom; and

WHEREAS, teacher tenure protects career teachers from the whims and pressures of school boards and administrators:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge its affiliates to work toward state legislation which will give teachers the security of teacher tenure; and

RESOLVED, that this tenure should be transferable from one school system to another; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers work to encourage reciprocal teacher tenure agreements between states.
