AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, prostate cancer presents a significant public health problem¾ 184,500 men will be diagnosed with this disease in 1998, and 39,200 will die from it; and

WHEREAS, early diagnosis and intervention dramatically increases survival rates¾ 100 percent of men with localized prostate cancer will survive five years or more¾ while improving life quality; and

WHEREAS, prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates in African-American men are at least twice that for other racial and ethnic groups; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers Breast and Cervical Cancer Education and Detection Project, through its awareness-raising, education and screening efforts, has had a significant impact on saving members' lives:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers commit to a program of prostate cancer awareness and support for locals, including education about the role of prostate screenings in early detection and decisions for treatment; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support increased access to prostate cancer testing from age 40, with special emphasis on African-American men who are at higher risk; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support increased research on risk factors for prostate cancer, new technologies for early detection, diagnosis and treatment and expanded participation of African-American men in clinical trials.
