AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the need to have more paraprofessionals drawn from the local community working in the schools is obvious; and

WHEREAS, teachers' unions can be instrumental in bringing this about:

RESOLVED, that all locals ask their school boards for paraprofessional programs based on the following principles: (1 ) no educational restrictions for entry into the program; (2) pay increments will be based upon education level and experience on the job; (3) release time will be provided for those pursuing college work concurrently; (4) college unit equivalencies will be granted for training gained on the job; (5) persons who are successful in such a program will be encouraged to work toward the goal of entering the teaching profession with full time certified status; and

RESOLVED, that the President of the AFT appoint a special paraprofessional committee to develop a national program based upon the above stated principles. This committee will consist of a majority of paraprofessionals working with a number of teachers from the AFT rank and file; and

RESOLVED, that the paraprofessional committee will be responsible for disseminating its program to all AFT locals; and

RESOLVED, that the paraprofessional committee will seek national legislation to fund such programs at the state and local level.
