AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, most American teachers are locked into an educational production line which requires their attendance at assigned work stations 5 days and 35-40 hours a week; and

WHEREAS, many teachers are required to perform out-of-classroom duties, sometimes without compensation, which also requires their attendance at specific locations at specific times; and

WHEREAS, all teachers must work many hours in preparing lessons and materials and in keeping abreast of the latest developments in their fields; and

WHEREAS, teachers are frequently required to devote time to individual guidance and instruction:

RESOLVED, that professional employees must be able to plan their own time insofar as possible. They must be free to be creative and to exercise their professional judgment in connection with the services they perform; and

RESOLVED, that locals of the AFT seek, through collective bargaining, to establish conditions so that no teacher shall be forced to attempt to teach more than 20 children at a time, nor more than 20 classroom hours or periods; whichever is less.
