AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the incidence of drug abuse and the misuse of drug related chemicals has increased to almost epidemic proportions among the youth and our society; and

WHEREAS, it is widely recognized that drug abuse has a degenerating effect on the mental and physical processes; and

WHEREAS, there is a great need for providing teachers with the knowledge and skills to cope with students who are actual or potential drug abusers; and

WHEREAS, an on-site location for diagnostic and referral services is needed within some local schools:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers throw its full support behind a vastly increased educational attack on this problem as well as use its locals to negotiate for inclusion in their agreements, programs for training teachers in the critical areas of drug abuse, addiction, prevention, detection and school-connected diagnostic and referral centers in all schools beginning where the need is greatest; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers call on leaders of all levels of government:

  • To foster international agreements that strengthen controls over growth of and international distribution of drugs and medicals; and
  • To strengthen controls over drug production and distribution within our own borders; and
  • To increase the penalties against those who manufacture and distribute illicit drugs while easing the penalties against those found addicted to their use; and
  • To increase the time and funds allotted for control, information and education to eliminate drug abuse.
