AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, "the right of everyone to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his own country" is Part I, Article 5 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; and

WHEREAS, this above Convention has been ratified by 46 nations including the USSR; and

WHEREAS, this right of freedom of exit is also embodied in the charter of the United Nations and the Decla­ration of Human Rights; and

WHEREAS, it has become apparent that Russian citizens of Jewish origin are increasingly subject to intense and varied anti-Semitic harassments and persecutions; and

WHEREAS, there is mounting evidence of such citizens being denied the right to emigrate:

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the United States Government through appropriate means to initiate action whereby the United Nations will move to assure compliance by all member states on the right of citizens to leave their own country.
