AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Constitution of the American Federation of Teachers expresses the AFT's intent to support and promote the ideas of democracy as envisioned in the Constitution of the United States of America, its Bill of Rights and other amendments; and

WHEREAS, the AFT believes that those Hatch Acts pertaining to state, municipal and county governments violate the ideas of democracy expressed in the Constitution of the United States of America, its Bill of Rights and other amendments; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers believes that public employees deserve the right of protection against political harassment or abuse through enactment of laws containing strong penalties for violators:


RESOLVED, that the AFT call for the immediate recision of all state and local Hatch Act laws; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT call for the replacement of these Hatch Act laws with laws that protect public employees by punishing politicians, administrators or other persons who politically harass, intimidate or abuse any public employee.
