AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, college and university professors, teachers, and students are constantly evaluated both privately and publicly; and

WHEREAS, governing bodies, administrations, and administrators of colleges and universities have never been rated on a systematic national basis; and

WHEREAS, across the nation worsening and discriminatory economic conditions are resulting in administrative arrogance; and

WHEREAS, an ounce of exposure is worth a pound of grievances:

RESOLVED, that each AFT college or university local shall submit for publication an Annual Evaluation Report of its administration to include, but not be limited to, the following criteria:

  • willingness of the administration to bargain collectively in good faith;
  • quality of grievance procedure and whether it leads to independent third-party judgment such as final and binding arbitration;
  • degree of faculty participation in curricular and program decisions and whether participation is decisive or merely advisory;
  • degree, kind, and timeliness of consultation with faculty in budgetary preparation and allocation;
  • record of acceptance of faculty personnel decisions;
  • effectiveness in supporting faculty and students before either private or public governing bodies;
  • student-faculty ratio;
  • salaries;
  • academic freedom.

That the president of AFT direct the appropriate staff to prepare questionnaires, a point-system for the ratings, and an appropriate format for publication.

That the results be tabulated and published once a year in the American Teacher.
