AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, in the words of Chairman Arthur Burns of the Federal Reserve Board, "The gravity of our current inflationary problems can hardly be overestimated...lf long continued, (it) would threaten the very foundation of our society;" and

WHEREAS, inflation hurts nearly everyone but most of all millions of poor and those on fixed incomes; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO, true to their traditions of social concern, must be in the forefront of the battle against this galloping inflation; and

WHEREAS, the anti-inflationary programs of the AFT and the AFL-CIO have not been adequately publicized, thus giving a false impression of lack of concern:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers expresses its deep concern over the current serious inflation; and

RESOLVED, that we urge AFT locals to negotiate a cost-of-living increase as a supplementary pension for their retirees; and

RESOLVED, that we recommend a public policy that will combat inflation on all possible fronts.
