AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, probationary members of the instructional and other professional staffs of most colleges and universities are not accorded reasons for denial of reappointment and tenure; and

WHEREAS, members of the instructional and other professional staffs of most colleges and universities are not accorded reasons for the denial of promotion; and

WHEREAS, the denial of reasons sanctions personnel decisions that are arbitrary, discriminatory, capricious, grievously injurious to the careers of professionals, and detrimental to their students and institutions:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers calls upon all institutions to divulge the reasons and all applicable documents for all personnel actions to the individuals directly affected by them and requesting them; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers pledges its support to all instructional and other professional staff members seeking redress of grievances through academic due process; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers calls upon all locals to incorporate these principles in collective bargaining agreements.
