AFT Resolution


The American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, has traditionally given leadership to improving the health of teachers, the children they teach and of all American workers and their families.

Over the past 20 years the average American's health bill has multiplied by 450 percent, thus placing a financial barrier between millions of Americans and an acceptable standard of health care.

The American Federation of Teachers concurs with the AFL-CIO and the labor movement in its support of reform of the present health care system in order to insure every citizen the right to quality health care.

The American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, believes that a national health security plan should meet the following tests: (1) provide quality health care to all Americans as a matter of right; (2) insure universal cover age; (3) provide comprehensive benefits; (4) be financed through the proven social insurance method; (5) establish strong costs and quality controls; (6) reform the health care delivery system; and (7) provide for effective consumer representation in the nation's health program.

There is only one plan that meets these tests-the Kennedy-Corman National Health Security Program as outlined in S. 3 and H.R. 21.

Only the Kennedy-Corman Health Security Program provides universal coverage for all regardless of age, income or geographic location.

Only the Kennedy-Corman Health Security Program provides first dollar coverage for comprehensive benefits, including preventive as well as curative care.

Only the Kennedy-Corman Health Security Program would be fairly  financed through Social Security taxes and general revenues.

Only the Kennedy-Corman Health Security Program provides the strong cost and quality controls needed to halt the escalation in health care costs.

Only the Kennedy-Corman Health Security Program would begin the needed reform of the health care delivery system through financing, benefits, reimbursement and Organization. It would establish a Health Resources Development Fund to support innovative health programs in manpower, education, training, and group practice development.

Only the Kennedy-Corman Health Security Program provides a significant role for consumers in all levels of development and administration of the nation's health program.

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, endorses and urges favorable consideration of the National Health Security legislation as introduced by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and Rep. James Corman.

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, urges all candidates for President and all candidates for the United States Senate and House of Representatives to state publicly their position on National Health Security legislation before the 1976 election. Then and only then can the citizens in 1976 elect a President and a Congress committed to a true National Health Security Program.
