AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, women comprise 20 percent of the labor union movement and can contribute greatly to building and strengthening the unions in the United States; and

WHEREAS, there are 34 million women who are full-time employees and of these only four million are members of bona fide collective bargaining units; and

WHEREAS, women in labor unions have special concerns as females and as unionists--specifically, the problems of equal rights, equal opportunity, equitable hiring, adequate maternity benefits and child care facilities; and

WHEREAS, for over 100 years the labor movement has pledged to fight all forms of discrimination, including sexual discrimination; and

WHEREAS, united and determined action is necessary to organize working women into unions and obtain equality for women in the workplace and in unions; and

WHEREAS, a national Coalition of Labor Union Women was formed on March 23, 1974:

RESOLVED, that this Assembly urge AFT members to join and participate in CLUW on both the national and local levels.
