AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Article II, as envisioned in the Constitution of the U.S.A., its Bill of Rights and other amendments, to work for passage and retention of just laws which will improve the educational climate for students,...and to encourage them to exercise their proper rights and responsibilities under these laws;" and

WHEREAS, the AFT in 1970 passed a strong resolution in support of First Amendment rights for students, and

WHEREAS, the l4th Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of public school students to (1) a statement of the rules or laws he or she has allegedly broken; (2) the right of a hearing on an informal basis, prior to a suspension from school for ten days or less; and

WHEREAS, the right to a statement of charges and a hearing prior to suspension is "one of the ideals of democracy as envisioned in the Constitution of the U.S.A., its Bill of Rights, and other Amendments:"

RESOLVED, that the AFT supports the aforementioned constitutional rights of public school students and will work toward seeing that they are enforced in local school districts; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT call on all school systems to provide alternative educational services for children who cannot function in the regular classroom setting; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT work vigorously to see to it that the rights of students are not abused to infringe upon the rights of teachers, and that teachers as well as students be adequately protected against the violence and harassment in schools.
