AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the unending sacrifices and unceasing efforts of both the leaders and the rank and file members of the American labor movement have brought about the higher standard of living shared by so many Americans today; and

WHEREAS, throughout its history the American labor movement has directed its efforts towards the achievement of free public education for all children; and

WHEREAS, through deliberate neglect or through intentional anti-union bias written or edited into the textbooks used in our schools, either by the authors, editors or publishers of such texts, union members' children attending schools are not aware of the tremendous contributions the American Labor Movement has made to the economic, political and social development of American democracy; and

WHEREAS, the tax dollars of union workers help support the American education system:

RESOLVED, that American Federation of Teachers member locals in their present and in all future negotiations seek provisions in their contracts to include on approved textbook lists those texts that include a fair and objective presentation of the history of the American labor movement and the contributions of the American labor movement to our American society;  and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers notify those publishers concerned of its action in this regard.
