AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the rate of unemployment in the country remains over seven percent, and on the average is much higher for minorities and women; and

WHEREAS, millions of able-bodied men and women, especially among our youth and minority groups, want gainful employment and to become productive members of our society; and

WHEREAS, society has a pressing need to improve education, hospitals, housing, public transportation, and other programs for the common good; and

WHEREAS, millions of men and women would become productive citizens and contribute to the solution of necessary social and economic problems, instead of remaining burdens on the society:

RESOLVED, that AFT use all possible resources for passage of the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act, Senate Bill 50, and House Bill 50, and that the AFT Convention publicize in all labor media, its support of this Act; and

RESOLVED, that all AFT members be urged to mount an intensive letter-writing campaign to their Senators and Representatives urging a favorable vote for the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act.
