AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the well-being of teachers in non-public as well as those in public schools is of great concern to the American Federation of Teachers; and

WHEREAS, the National Labor Relations Act is the primary protection afforded to teachers in non-public schools; and

WHEREAS, a number of Catholic bishops have used illegal and unfair tactics in attempts to remove union sup- porters and to refuse to bargain in good faith; and

WHEREAS, the Roman Catholic Church in the United States has begun a campaign of legal challenges to the jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Board over religiously affiliated schools; and

WHEREAS, the United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in Chicago has ruled that the National Labor Relations Board does not have jurisdiction over religiously affiliated schools, thus leaving teachers in those schools to the mercy of employers hostile to the rights of workers:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers condemns and deplores the illegal and unfair actions of Catholic bishops who deny basic human rights to their employees; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers will continue its efforts to organize teachers and other educational workers in non-public schools; and

RESOLVED, that the Executive Council of the American Federation of Teachers will investigate the ramifications of the recent unfortunate decision of the U.S. Circuit Court in Chicago and take whatever action it deems necessary and proper to insure the continued protection of teachers in religiously affiliated schools under the National Labor Relations Act.
