AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has long endorsed and worked for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment; and

WHEREAS, the time period for ratification of the ERA by 38 states by March 22, 1979 was passed by Congress, but not required by the Constitution; and

WHEREAS, according to Article V of the Constitution, the Supreme Court and prior cases, Congress has the power to determine procedural questions surrounding the amending process; and

WHEREAS, prior to 1917, no constitutional amendment proposed by Congress contained a limitation on the time for ratification by the states. Both the Constitution and Congress were silent on the issue. Eighteen amendments (including the l9th Amendment granting women the right to vote) have been added to the Constitution without any time limit on their ratification:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers petition Congress for an extension of time for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.
