AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, President Carter recently authorized the use of thousands of illegal aliens in the U.S. on United States plantations, citing an emergency faced by Texas and Southwest farmers; and

WHEREAS, there has been an inconsistent and erratic administration of laws governing illegal aliens in this country; and

WHEREAS, because of manpower to enforce regulations or due to the enormity of the problem there has been a blatant exploitation of illegals as servants in the Southwest and Texas, and migrants and laborers in the South and East, and most glaringly in the cotton gin plants; and

WHEREAS, this massive influx of illegal aliens carries the concomitant evil of unemployment among native Americans and growing poverty among a minority workforce; and

WHEREAS, these modern day plantation owners have had the apparent blessing of the Federal government through the years, primarily via an extensive lobbying effort in Congressional corridors:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers with the entire labor movement adopt a strong policy of their own to achieve more effective legislation to combat and severely restrict, if not stop altogether, the illegal alien traffic into the United States; and

RESOLVED, that as part of this legislative effort, penalties be increased for knowingly hiring, recruiting and exploiting such unfortunates and that these penalties include the possibility of closing any "operation" completely coupled with heavy financial penalty, or imprisonment, or both. (Executive Council )
