AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, in colleges and universities, attempts at "comparable cost analyses" have resulted in layoffs and retrenchment; and

WHEREAS, encouraged by institutions such as the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, college and university management develop and then use, or misuse, the statistics which come out of such studies; and

WHEREAS, such managerial systems have been used to remove curriculum control from the hands of those who teach and study:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, in continuing to stand "consistently, openly, and aggressively for the realization of the social functions of the profession," in John Dewey's words, strongly opposes the use of cost analysis as a basis of decision- making which ignores the qualitative aspects of education; and

RESOLVED, that in order to eliminate the abuse of such analyses, state federations and locals alike are urged to develop position papers on this subject, to testify before governing boards, legislatures, and other appropriate bodies; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers cooperate with state federations and locals in this effort.
