AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the United Steelworkers of America, Local 13889, has been on strike against Hussmann Refrigerator Company in Bridgeton, Missouri, since May 1, 1977; and

WHEREAS, Hussmann is a subsidiary of Pet Inc., a billion-dollar worldwide corporation; and

WHEREAS, Hussmann started hiring permanent strikebreakers and scabs five weeks after the strike started, to replace 1500 union members who were on strike for better pay and working conditions; and

WHEREAS, the Company now has approximately 1100 scabs working in the plant; and

WHEREAS, at the request of United Steelworkers of America President Lloyd McBride, the National AFL-CIO had endorsed a nationwide boycott against Hussmann and Pet Products:

RESOLVED, that the delegates assembled herein go on record and pledge their full support of the boycott against this union-busting corporation; and

RESOLVED, that we ask our members and their families not to buy Pet Products in support of these 1500 courageous strikers; and

RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Boyd F. Schenk, Chairman of the Board and President of Pet Inc., 400 South Fourth Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63166, with an appropriate cover letter signed by the Officers of this Body.


Food Products

Pet Dairy Products

Old El Paso Mexican Foods

Musselman Fruit Products

Downyflake Breakfast Foods


Retail Stores

Stuckey's Roadside Stores

9-0-5 Liquor Stores (Metro-St. Louis) Vendome liquor Stores (Southern California)


Commercial Store Equipment

Hussmann Refrigeration Display Cases
