AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, South Africa has long practiced the subjugation and repression of its non-white citizens through the vicious system of apartheid; and

WHEREAS, in recent months this repression has escalated to include wholesale banning, jailing and killing of individuals whose only wish is to exercise their inherent political, economic and human rights:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers condemns the conduct of the government of South Africa and strongly supports the following actions:

  • The full recognition and registration of all bona fide South African trade unions by the South African government and American corporations with affiliations and investments in South Africa.

Aid and assistance should be provided to free trade union organizations in South Africa which are operating under repressive conditions.

  • South African support for the position of the United Nations by withdrawing from Namibia.
  • A halt of all U.S.-South African nuclear cooperation and U.S. observance of the 1963 United Nations Arms embargo resolution on South Africa.
  • Support of the Geneva accord on free international travel, especially as it relates to blacks entering and leaving the Republic of South Africa.
  • Ex-lm Bank insurance and loan guarantees for South Africa, as well as other U.S. Government operations which promote the flow of capital or credit to South Africa, should end.
  • And, further, should results not be forthcoming

(i)U.S. corporations should immediately divest themselves of South African affiliates, and sever all ties with South African corporations. Every effort should be made to influence the corporations of other democratic states to do likewise.

(ii)Withdrawal from all participation with South African social, cultural, athletic and other activities.

(iii)Withdrawal of diplomatic relations.

(iv)U.S. support of U.N. disciplinary actions against South Africa; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge all members who are on Boards of Regents of Universities who hold stocks in companies doing business in South Africa to vote to induce said universities to divest themselves of stockholdings; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge its affiliates to communicate with banks and corporations doing business in South Africa in which union or pension funds are invested in support of severing all ties with South African affiliates and corporations. In the event that such action is not taken by those enterprises, the American Federation of Teachers recommends that, as far as practicable, funds be removed; and

RESOLVED, copies of this resolution be sent to President George Meany of the AFL-CIO.
