AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, neo-Nazi organizations like the National Socialist Party of America and the National Socialist White Peoples' Party are openly organizing and calling for genocide against Jews, blacks, homosexuals, gypsies, and other so-called "inferior races and peoples;" and

WHEREAS, Nazis are historical enemies of the labor movement; and

WHEREAS, Nazis in Chicago have engaged in physical attacks against black people in the Marquette Park area and elsewhere in accordance with their philosophy and goals; and

WHEREAS, Nazis in Chicago have been organizing in the Chicago public schools, espousing their hate philosophy among white students; and

WHEREAS, the Nazis have marched in Marquette Park in order to recruit members and to initiate a campaign of terror against Jews and blacks and to gain publicity for their vile ideas and their movement:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers oppose Nazism; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers completely condemns and strongly opposes the neo-Nazi presence and activity in all its forms when directed towards any segment of our population residing in any neighborhood, community, or suburb.
