AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, "Preschool" education has been proven to be cost effective: it has lowered incidences of grade failures, it lowers the incidence of referrals to special education classes, and it increases one's earning potential after high school (see Lazar, Weikhart); and

WHEREAS, private and proprietary child development and day care enterprises are engaged in a crucial battle with the local public school districts over who should control the education of preschool children; and

WHEREAS, alternatives, options and vouchers have become code words in the battle to withhold early childhood education, preschool and child development programs from the local public school districts:

RESOLVED, there should be free public school universal education for preschool children which would include child care and development services for all children, and it should be controlled by the public schools; and

RESOLVED, that the following "phase-in" measures be taken to achieve these ends:

  • Alterative, options and vouchers for preschool will be opposed as an infringement upon the citizen's right to a free public education.
  • All funds for Head Start program will be channeled through and administered by the local public school districts.
  • If a new education department is established by the federal government, all preschool and child development and child care programs will be included.
  • AFT will lobby Congress, the legislature, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to achieve these goals.
