AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, because of Constitutional guarantees of free speech, the use of particular textbooks and other curricula materials is not prohibited by Title IX; and

WHEREAS, the Women's Educational Equity Act of 1974 authorized under the Education Amendments of 1978 (PL 93-380) adds a new element to the Federal effort for women's rights which supports and encourages six major objectives: (1) development, evaluation, and dissemination of educational materials related to equity in education, (2) preservice and inservice training for education personnel with special emphasis on equity, (3) research, development, and educational activities to advance equity, (4) guidance and counseling activities, including the development of nondiscriminatory tests, (5) educational activities to increase opportunities for adult women, (6) expansion and improvement of programs and activities for women in vocational education, career education, physical education, and educational administration:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers contact the appropriate agency in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to work vigorously to end sex bias in curriculum materials, sex stereo- typing in guidance and other discrimination that hinders equal opportunity for women and girls in the public schools in America.
