AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the general intent of the Education of the Handicapped Act (PL 93-380; revisions PL 94-142) was supported by the American Federation of Teachers; and

WHEREAS, the implementation of this act may erode conditions of employment; and

WHEREAS, inadequate funding and administrative decisions in implementing the act are impairing the fulfillment of the expectations of this act:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage and assist local bargaining teams to negotiate contractual safeguards for conditions of employment, such as:

  • class size reductions when special education pupils are mainstreamed,
  • limit on number of special education pupils to be included in any specific class,
  • teacher receiving mainstreamed pupil to receive advance notice and to be included in development of IEP (individual educational program),
  • inservice training and consultative assistance,
  • flexibility in work day schedule to provide time for contacts with consultants and parents and parti­cipation in lEP's,
  • extra compensation for time required beyond regular school day; and

RESOLVED, that AFT and the state federations lobby for changes in the regulations and for legislation to accomplish such things as:

  • rights for teachers and other school employees in the due process hearings on parental appeals,
  • modification of the requirements for annual, measurable, instructional objective,
  • funding for inservice training and consultative services,
  • funding of total added costs by state and federal appropriations; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers appoint a special committee to give assistance to locals and members.
