AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Supreme Court has in a recent decision excluded church-related school teachers from the protection of the National Labor Relations Act; and

WHEREAS, the Court has also issued rulings that have been interpreted as excluding teachers from church related schools from eligibility for coverage under the N.L.R.A.; and

WHEREAS, the basic protections of the N.L.R.A. must be available to all who are employed in the public and private sector:

RESOLVED, that the AFT, AFL-CIO seek amendments to the N.L.R.A. that will provide coverage to teachers in the church operated school systems; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT reaffirm its long-held position that employees in the public sector should have the same rights as employees in the private sector through an amendment to the N.L.R.A. that would extend the coverage of the Act to public sector employees.
