AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the recent ruling by the Supreme Court (N.L.R.B. v. The Catholic Bishop of Chicago) concerning collective bargaining for lay teachers in the parochial schools cripples the organization of thousands of lay teachers in parochial schools across the country; and

WHEREAS, the Supreme Court's finding that the NLRA does not apply to teachers in parochial schools even though that act does not specifically exclude them is unfaithful to legislative history and to Court precedent; and

WHEREAS, the negotiation of labor relations agreements does not violate the First Amendment when it involves a minimal intrusion on the religious authority of the school; and

WHEREAS, the right to join unions and to bargain collectively with the employer is an established public policy:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers work to secure the amendment of the National Labor Relations Act so as to include specifically lay teachers in religiously affiliated schools.
