AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the desired goal of educating handicapped pupils in the least restrictive environment has not been fully achieved due to a multiplicity of factors such as: (a) the lack of cooperation on the part of a few administrators; (b) the reluctance of some teachers, due to lack of knowledge and training; (c) the lack of adequate federal funding and failure to utilize federal funds presently available under Public Law 94-142; (d) the excessive amount of paperwork required of teachers and administrators responsible for the placement and education of handicapped pupils; (e) the lack of preparation of children and parents of receiving class, and; (9 the lack of a crisis mechanism for the regular classroom teacher when a handicapped child is programmed into the class; and

WHEREAS, some of this reluctance and misunderstanding on the part of administrators and teachers can be alleviated with in-service training and consultative services:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers lobby for moneys for in-service training (which is mandated by PL 94-142) where available under the auspices of Teacher Centers and other appropriate in-service delivery systems; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers bring to the attention of those responsible bodies that similar training sessions be made available to administrators and regular education teachers so that education of handicapped pupils in the least restrictive environment may be appropriately carried out to the full intent of the law.
