AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the dynastic dictatorship of the Somozas has oppressed and exploited the Nicaraguan people for more than 40 years; and

WHEREAS, President Anastasio Somoza Debalye would rather destroy Nicaragua than give up his political and economic power; and

WHEREAS, virtually the entire population of Nicaragua has united against the dictatorship and insists that President Somoza resign; and

WHEREAS, Civil War now raging in Nicaragua stems from the refusal of President Somoza to resign, and if prolonged may spread and become a hemisphere war; and

WHEREAS, the Sandinistas fighting against the dictatorship have the support of the important social forces, including organized workers, the Church, and the business elements, the professional and student groups; and

WHEREAS, the five-member junta of the Provisional Government of Reconstruction is broadly based and includes all the democratic opposition:

RESOLVED, that the AFT urges our government to support all efforts to force President Somoza to resign; and

RESOLVED that the AFT express its opposition to any direct or indirect military intervention by the United States, Cuba or any other foreign government; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT asks our government to announce publicly our support for an immediate cease-fire by all armed forces with an OAS (Organization of American States) enforced truce and OAS supervised democratic elections; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support humanitarian assistance to the thousands of refugees in and out of Nicaragua who are in dire need of food and medicines and urge its locals to give aid.
