AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the vast exodus of refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos is creating a human tragedy of disastrous proportions; and

WHEREAS, for every refugee who is resettled another drowns at sea, dies of starvation or illness or disap­pears; and

WHEREAS, Vietnam expropriates property and extorts payment from would-be refugees to the tune of $250 million a month; and

WHEREAS, Vietnam has aimed its venom at the ethnic Chinese in a racist fashion reminiscent of Hitler's Germany; and

WHEREAS, thousands have left Cambodia since Vietnam invaded and some of these are being brutally forced back at the point of a gun to deal with military repression and starvation; and

WHEREAS, Laos is reportedly devastating its Mung (Meo) tribes causing several thousand to seek a new home in Thailand; and

WHEREAS, receiving countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong are ill-equipped to deal with the problem and have engaged in the desperately hostile policies of forced return or putting boats out to sea; and

WHEREAS, the desire of refugees for freedom must be respected and encouraged by those who have reaped its benefits; and

WHEREAS, some nations have done their part, other nations have turned their backs on helpless refugees and others have offered only token assistance:

RESOLVED, that we urge international cooperation among nations to accept refugees and to condemn the brutal policies of countries creating this problem; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT commends the Carter Administration for doubling the United States' monthly quota from 7,000 to 14,000 refugees, and urges it to raise these figures even higher; and

RESOLVED, that the United States government should provide adequate resources to aid in resettlement so as not to overly tax local communities; and

RESOLVED, that the United States urge all those who give aid to Vietnam¾Japan, Sweden, the United Nations¾to pressure Vietnam to cease its repressive and discriminating policies.
