AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, funding is a survival issue for virtually every school district; and

WHEREAS, workers, consumers and small home owners have borne the main burden of tax increases in recent years; and

WHEREAS, corporate and utility profits are rising at unprecedented rates; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has failed to deliver on its promises to greatly increase funding for public education and other human needs:

RESOLVED, that the AFT organize a nation-wide campaign in conjunction with all locals and in cooperation with the entire labor movement for massive federal aid to public education and other human services; and

RESOLVED, that this federal aid be funded by progressive taxation which will tax those institutions most able to pay, such as corporations and utilities; and

RESOLVED, that AFT, in cooperation with the national labor movement, support tax reforms at the state and local levels that would generate additional revenue for education and at the same time shift the tax burden toward corporations and those most able to pay.
