AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the introduction of video display terminals (VDTs) in the workplace has brought about or promoted an increase in several occupational safety and health problems, such as eyestrain, headaches, backaches, and job stress; and

WHEREAS, the extent and gravity of the health hazards related to VDT radiation emissions are unknown due to lack of research and knowledge; and

WHEREAS, public officials have admitted that there may be cause for concern about the effects of VDT radiation; and

WHEREAS, the issue of VDTs is of great concern to unions and their members:

RESOLVED, that the AFT join with the AFL-CIO Department of Professional Employees to:

  • support action to establish and maintain a program to provide continuous and ongoing monitoring of video display terminals; and
  • support action to obtain adequate occupational safety and health protection for personnel operating these machines; and
  • vigorously pursue legislation to ensure the adequate funding for research into the effect on workers of operating video display terminals and/or similar devices.
